knowledge library for dancers
hydrotherapy for dancers: pool ballet
The pool is a great place for dancers to move without fighting gravity, and ease the pressure on their hard working joints. This video will show you what you can work on while in a pool to improve your technique.
6 pre-tests for jump training readiness
The training in this series was developed from research conducted by medical professionals who treat dancers. This first video of the series will show you the tests you must be able to pass before starting this demanding regimen.
the 3 systems of balance & how we can improve them for tango
Tango dancers, do you know the 3 systems our body uses for balance? This video will explain these systems, and teach you how to improve the ones you may not be using effectively for your static and dynamic balance in tango.
the 3 balance systems: how to train them for better dance performance
From a medical professional: learn the 3 systems of balance and how to work them to your advantage for dance. A couple challenges will be included to see how dependent you are on a single system. Get the insight you need to get the most of all 3 systems!