the Tango walk: perfecting your biomechanics

Have you given any thought to the way your foot contacts the ground dancing tango? Are you struggling with foot and knee pain while dancing and looking for answers? This video will go over the biomechanics of heel strike in the gait cycle and demonstrate why foot placement with initial floor contact has such a big impact on your technique and pain level when dancing.

video outline

0:00 - Intro
0:17 - An introduction to the tango walk
3:27 - What is heel strike in the gait cycle?
9:08 - An example of forward steps in flats
10:05 - An example of forward steps in low heels
11:06 - Heel strike with forward ochos
11:42 – An example of forward steps in high heels
14:06 – Summary
14:19 – A personal story


to improve footwork: tango tendus part 1


tango video analysis: part 2